Saturday 1 October 2016

European art cinema

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European art cinema was made popular during the 1960s, the idea of it was based on rejection of the tenets and techniques of classical Hollywood cinema. It gains it's popularity during the 60s era. At this time it was new to the broader filed of art cinema. The continuity editing system is not abandoned however it is not needed in this case. The cause and effect is more of narrative driven and goal orientated protagonist was not needed. Protagonist may wander  aimlessly in the entire movie with no real importance happening that is driven inside them.


One of the film I would like to talk about is the 1960 British thriller/horror film "Peeping Tom".
The movie is revolves around a young man who is a serial killer who murders women, while using a movie camera to film their dying their dying expressions of terror. 
For me I personally enjoyed thriller and horror films, and this one was one of the best as the plot really caught my attention. Although this movie was highly controversial and received harsh reception upon released back then, the movie is now widely known as a masterpiece.